Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Basic Rules of Search Engine Optimization

Search engine optimization is the process of making web pages attractive to search engines. The goal of effective search engine optimization is to get your pages listed on the first few pages of Search Engine results, for particular key terms.
1) Remember that each page of your site is a separate entity. You need to apply the basics of effective search engine optimization to each individual page.
2) Choose appropriate key words or phrases for each page. To find out which key words or phrases are more popular than others, you can use a tool such as Google AdWords Keyword Tool; enter your chosen phrases and you'll see how many people searched for that term recently.
3) Give each page an appropriate title that includes the key word or phrase at least once.
4) Put the key words or phrase that you've chosen in the page's title tag, meta keywords, and meta description. Make sure that the meta description is as attractive as possible, because some search engines actually use this description in the search engine results pages that people will be reading.
5) Be sure your chosen key words or phrase is repeated judiciously throughout the content of the page. You don't want to overdo it, or your page may be rejected as spam, but you need to repeat it sufficient times that the search engine's software will consider the phrase relevant.
Applying just these five basic rules of search engine optimization will give your web pages a much better chance of showing up on those first few pages of Search Engine results.

For more details about Search Engine Optimization and its Techniques please feel free to contact Prevaj Consultants at prevaj@prevajconsultants.com or call +91-8144760745.