Friday, September 9, 2011

Tips to Migrate Websites

  • Always migrate minimum amount of content possible. Website migration is an opportunity to streamline content and tidy up bloated websites. If a site is small or out of date, do not migrate it at all. It will often be a longer, more painful process to map, migrate, and tidy up a site for re-launch than it would be to just build the site from scratch on the new platform.
  • Migrating websites is not just about the content but also subscribers and user accounts too.
  • Website migration is reliant on site webmasters because you need them to identify content to be migrated, map old content to the new information architecture, and tidy up the migrated site for launch.
  • Website migration usually involves mapping content from the old website onto the new.  It is a simple task for webmasters to rebuild the site structure and move pages to the correct attach points.
  • Website migration also involves transferring data between databases. Be sure to have a strong technical team who understand your content at a technical level, understand the destination content structure, and have experience of migrating content from one platform to another.
  •  Once a website is migrated from one platform to another there will be a period of parallel running before the new site is launched. During this period a webmaster needs to check and tidy up the migrated site before launch and maintain the old website which is still live. This period should be kept to a minimum.
  • It is important to follow a timetable to migrate the website as it may take weeks or months to tidy up and launch websites.
  •  Migrating multiple sites is a complicated and time consuming business. Careful planning, the right people, and a realistic timetable can minimize the pain for all involved. 

For more details about E-Commerce Consulting, Website development and maintenance please feel free to contact Prevaj Consultants at or call +91-8144760745.